Give It Up

It was very early in the morning, the streets clean and deserted, I was walking to the station. As I compared the tower clock with my watch I realized that it was already much later than I had thought, I had to hurry, the shock of this discovery made me unsure of the way, I did not yet know my way very well in this town; luckily, a policeman was nearby, I ran up to him and breathlessly asked him the way. He smiled and said: “From me you want to know the way?” “Yes,” I said, “since I cannot find it myself.” “Give it up! Give it up,” he said, and turned away with a sudden jerk, like people who want to be alone with their laughter.
Richard C Winant
August 12, 2024 @ 8:11 pm
Not an impressive story from a usually brilliant writer. It expresses his usual paranoid response to bureaucratic indifference or incompetence, that’s all. Give it up.
Rebecca Halsey
August 13, 2024 @ 8:41 am
Indeed, I have often wondered why my predecessors wanted to post classic flash fiction on the site. Maybe as a way to generate traffic. I’ll have to see if anyone from that era still on staff knows the reason