Cataloging librarian Adele Gardner is an active member of SFWA and HWA and a Clarion West Writers Workshop graduate with master’s degrees in English literature and library science. She’s had a poetry collection (Dreaming of Days in Astophel, under former byline Lyn C. A. Gardner) as well as 244 poems and 46 stories published in Pedestal Magazine, NewMyths.com, Strange Horizons, Daily Science Fiction, PodCastle, and more. Gardner is a two-time third-place winner in the Rhysling Awards of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association and a third-place winner in the Balticon Poetry Contest of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society. Two stories and a poem earned honorable mention in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror. Adele lives and writes under her middle name to honor her father, mentor, and namesake, Delbert R. Gardner, for whom she serves as literary executor.