Tree Riesener is the author of Sleepers Awake, a collection of short fiction, winner of the Eludia Award from Hidden River Arts, published by Sowilo Press in 2015. In addition, she has written a collection of poetry inspired by astronomy, The Hubble Cantos, published in 2016 by Aldrich Press and a collection of ekphrastic poetry, EK,published in 2017 by Cervena Barva Press. Her chapbook Angel Fever was published in 2017 by Ravenna Press in their Triple Series as Triple No. 5. Ravenna Press will also publish her full-length collection Quodlibet in mid-2019.
Her achievements include three first prizes for fiction at the Philadelphia Writers Conference, finalist for Black Lawrence Press’s Hudson Prize, finalist in PANK magazine’s Fiction Chapbook Contest, finalist in Yellow Chair Review’s Poetry Chapbook Contest, semi-finalist in Pank’s Poetry Chapbook Contest, the William Van Wert Fiction Award, semi-finalist in the Pablo Neruda Competition, three short stories staged in the Writing Aloud Series of InterAct Theatre, Philadelphia, a Hawthornden Fellowship at Hawthornden Castle, Scotland, and three poetry chapbooks: Liminalog (Asylum Press), a collection of ghazals and sijo; Inscapes (Finishing Line Press), poems of interior landscape; and Angel Poison, (Pudding House Publications), thoughts on contemporary life.
Tree has published poetry and prose in numerous literary magazines, including The Interpreter’s House (UK), Litro (UK), Southward (UK), Anemone Sidecar, The Planet Formerly Known As Earth, Ditch, Fox Chase Review, 5_Trope, , Everg Soylesi Uc Aylik Sur Dergisi, Evergreen Review, Ginosko, Blue Fifth Review, Loch Raven Review, Pindeldyboz, Identity Theory, Blood Lotus, Boxcar Poetry Review, Belletrist Review, NEBO, Acclaim, The Source (UK), Schuylkill Valley Review, Diner, Mad Poets Review, Istanbul Literary Review, Albatross/Anabiosis, Lynx, The Ghazal Page, New Flash Fiction Review, and Ernest Hilbert’s E-Verse Radio. She is former Managing Editor of the Schuylkill Valley Journal and former Contributing Editor to The Ghazal Page. Her webpage is http://www.treeriesener.com.